Tuesday, April 09, 2019

54% of Kids Have Chronic Disease

54% of Kids Have Chronic Disease

This statement was made in relation to a movement asking for vaccines to be studied before continuing to push them on babies. Did you know that a study has yet to be done on their safety? If you want to click off of this page because you think I'm a nut, please watch this quickly first:

The reason I am paying attention to this is not that I've been into good health for the entertainment value. It is because I have a sick child. If I'm being honest, I have two sick children. But only one has reached a critical level with symptoms affecting day to day health.

My sick child is 16 years old and has been diagnosed with an autoimmune disorder. It took a few months and a visit with a functional medicine doctor to face where this whole ordeal started, and it wasn't recent. I realized that it came from antibiotic use from ages 3-7 when she had chronic urinary tract infections. Then, I realized it went even further back than that, because why in the world would a three year-old have chronic urinary tract infections?

She was breastfed for 27 months, and all her baby food was homemade from organic vegetables and fruits. Her first food was avocado! She wasn't given baby "cereal" because I had learned how bad it was in the 19 months between my son's and her birth. But it didn't matter. Because what no one had told me yet was that I should question what's in the vaccines she received from 0-6 months.

The reality is that her body responded to vaccines by breaking down, and her first urinary tract infection was on her third birthday. The antibiotics given created even a bigger problem for her tiny body, and despite giving her yogurt to rebuild her gut biome each time, it was not enough. By the time she was seven, even though she was no longer getting urinary tract infections, she had episodes of heartburn from time to time. The process of autoimmunity was well underway, and eight years later, she would end up hospitalized with gastrointestinal pain and chest pain. A year later she was hospitalized with severe head and neck pain, fever and vomiting, following a year of weird symptoms and extreme fatigue. Thankfully from this hospital stay, she ended up with a great neurologist who followed up with more blood work and sent her to a rheumatologist.

I can honestly say that my daughter is the best eating teenager I've ever met. She loves vegetables and fruits. This was not a kid neglecting herself or the result of anything she did. She was dancing twenty hours a week when everything fell apart.

If any of this resonates with you, I suggest you get the book The Autoimmune Fix by Dr. Tom O'Bryan. It is eye opening. We were already following a lot of his advice under care with her doctor at Riordan Clinic, such as a grain-free, dairy-free diet, and she was drinking green smoothies we learned about from Dr. Brooke Goldner who healed her own lupus.

My daughter is doing better, but not completely healed yet. I'm sharing her story to encourage you to find a path that does not include allopathic medicine, where the only solution is lifelong pharmaceuticals. Also, please do not wait to see if your child's heartburn will turn into something major. No child should have heartburn. I wish I had taken it more seriously at the time, and possibly prevented her from getting worse eventually.