How can you keep from getting sick from Coronavirus even if you get it?
We use a good daily multi-vitamin, plus Vitamin D/K2, and oregano oil capsules on a regular basis. Those have helped us avoid many illnesses that have gone around the workplace. When my non-compliant 18 year-old son brought a high fever and flu-like illness into our home, my daughter and I didn't catch it. If you want "real doctor" advice, the Riordan Clinic recommends the following supplements to help prevent Covid-19 (Coronavirus).
- Vitamin C: 1,000-2,000 mg, 3-4 times a day (to bowel tolerance)
- Vitamin D3/K2: 10,000 IU/100 mcg, at least once daily (up to 3x per day if no known kidney or hypercalcemia issues)
- Vitamin A: 10,000 to 25,000 IU, per day
- Zinc Picolinate: 30 mg, twice daily with food
- Selenium: 200 mcg, 1-2x daily with food
The second best thing you can do for yourself AND others is to wash your hands regularly. Be cognizant of the things you touch like doorknobs, handrails, and money. Try to avoid commonly touched items and avoid touching your face AND others for a while. When I recently flew into Atlanta during the beginning of the virus coming to the U.S., I avoided taking the crowded train to the baggage terminal and walked instead. I mean, people are gross even without Coronavirus. They don't wash their hands and they aren't going to start for you. So think about that before you get into a small vessel packed with people who are too tired (sick?) to make the walk.
Finally, try to get enough rest, exercise, good food, and stress-free periods throughout the day. Aim for a balanced life that makes you happy, which leads to better health. For me, that all includes my faith in Jesus. He is a part of all of that, and maybe that's why I feel like one of the few people I know not freaking out right now.
God bless and be well!
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