Wednesday, May 17, 2023

Laundry Detergent without the Plastic Jugs

 Okay, I'm a skeptic... but I tried them, and I LOVE Earth Breeze laundry sheets. Not only does it keep plastic out of the landfills (I do recycle, but do they REALLY all end up recycled?) it uses less gas because those jugs filled with mostly HEAVY water don't have to be trucked across the country! Earth Breeze comes with your regular mail as often as you need them. I prefer unscented, but they accidentally sent the scented version to me one time, and while it doesn't smell too bad, it's fairly strong to me, as most scents are. They also have dishwasher detergent which I discovered works great with hard water which is HUGE to me. The dish detergent comes in tablets wrapped in plastic that dissolve in water.  Give these products a try by clicking on the link below. We get a small kick back, and you save money. Win win!

Save 40% On Earth Breeze's Eco Sheets When You Subscribe!

Wednesday, May 03, 2023

A Natural Anti-Cancer Protocol

 I want to tell you about this protocol without telling you about this protocol. I want you to get the information without flagging the name of the product because let's face it, "they" will figure out how to get rid of it or make it harder to get. But here's my testimony...

My mom got oral cancer for the third time when she was 77 years old, and about five years into Lewy body dementia with Parkinsonism. It was visibly seen on her cheek, where it puffed out on the outside. I could see it on the inside of her mouth. It was "uncurable." After about three weeks on the protocol, the tumor had shrank enough to notice a visible difference. The protocol was working. My goal was to keep the cancer from growing so fast that it would cut off her ability to eat and her ability to breathe. The protocol was successful, and she died peacefully in her sleep from the effects of Lewy body dementia. 

Most people on the protocol don't have the opportunity to visibly see their cancer, but they use markers in blood or PET/CT scans to check their progress. Many use the protocol while also using chemotherapy, radiation, or immunotherapy. Often people use it after doctors have given up on their arsenal. For many of these people, it is too late. Even if you don't have cancer, you should have a plan if you discover you do. This protocol is so easy to do, you can get the products and start within a few days of diagnosis, and you can also use it to prevent a previous cancer from coming back.

Click here for the natural anti-cancer protocol!


Wrapping a Toxic Mattress

I've seen lots of articles recently that say, "Hey, mattresses are toxic, you should wrap your mattress in polyethylene sheeting to protect yourself!" And while this product has been on the market for about 15 years, they provide no link... probably because they won't make any money off of it, or maybe because they didn't know the product exists. Well... here ya go!

No-Chem Mattress Wrap

Mattress wrapping is for people who

  • are allergic to their new mattress
  • discover their new mattress has a strong smell, making them sick
  • realized a hand-me-down mattress that someone gave them was sprayed with Febreze, and ewww
  • want to deliver their baby at home and want to protect their mattress
  • want to co-sleep with their baby and heard mattresses off gas chemicals
  • are not sleeping well and wonder if their mattress is making them sick. 
Most people don't realize that mattresses never really stop off-gassing. The articles I read suggested you can let your new mattress off-gas for a few hours or days and you'll be good to go. Not so! Years ago when I trialed a mattress wrap, a horrible chemical smell came out of it when I cut it open. The smell was as strong as it had been when it was new, and it was at least five years old. So truth be told, the chemicals in mattresses will probably always be there, even when your nose no longer smells them. So if you are concerned for any health problems looming, or you just want to protect yourself "just in case," mattress wrapping is for you!