I want to tell you about this protocol without telling you about this protocol. I want you to get the information without flagging the name of the product because let's face it, "they" will figure out how to get rid of it or make it harder to get. But here's my testimony...
My mom got oral cancer for the third time when she was 77 years old, and about five years into Lewy body dementia with Parkinsonism. It was visibly seen on her cheek, where it puffed out on the outside. I could see it on the inside of her mouth. It was "uncurable." After about three weeks on the protocol, the tumor had shrank enough to notice a visible difference. The protocol was working. My goal was to keep the cancer from growing so fast that it would cut off her ability to eat and her ability to breathe. The protocol was successful, and she died peacefully in her sleep from the effects of Lewy body dementia.
Most people on the protocol don't have the opportunity to visibly see their cancer, but they use markers in blood or PET/CT scans to check their progress. Many use the protocol while also using chemotherapy, radiation, or immunotherapy. Often people use it after doctors have given up on their arsenal. For many of these people, it is too late. Even if you don't have cancer, you should have a plan if you discover you do. This protocol is so easy to do, you can get the products and start within a few days of diagnosis, and you can also use it to prevent a previous cancer from coming back.
Click here for the natural anti-cancer protocol!
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