Wednesday, August 20, 2014

CDC Hiding Statistics Related to Autism

What's going on at the CDC?! Not that I ever trusted them, but... here you go:

Friday, August 15, 2014

Waterwise 8800 SALE

Now through September 2, save $50 on the purchase of a Waterwise 8800 distiller! I don't know when the prices will ever be this low again, so now is the time to act if you have considered making the smartest purchase EVER. We have been drinking home distilled water for almost a decade and feel very satisfied with our choice in truly pure water. For more, visit .

Thursday, July 17, 2014

Do Inversion Tables Really Work?

I started having back problems at the age of 11. I was a competitive swimmer, and couldn't stand to hold my kick board out in front of me during kicking sets because of the pain I felt in my back. But nobody really listened, because I was so young. When I was in my mid-20s I received free chiropractor visits from a new office opening up, and found out that I already had degenerating discs in my lower back.

I got married, had babies, and even though my back problems were really bad before I had kids, for some reason they went away for years after having them. Then out of the blue, they were back. Now I am 43 and it's something I have to stay on top of, or stay in bed. Here is what I have learned...

First, the more I sit still, the worse my back hurts. I discovered this while under chiropractic care, when I moved to a new house. We took a month to move, since it was just a few miles away. I couldn't believe my back was causing me no trouble with all the lifting and moving, and I reported to my chiropractor what was going on. He was not surprised, as he knew that sitting, or not  moving much, is what leads to most people's problems.

Another thing that I've learned is that chiropractic care does work. Almost every time I've gone in, I've come out with almost complete relief. I remember suffering for three weeks before I finally went in with a "crick" in my neck, where the chiropractor fixed it immediately. I felt so stupid for waiting!

Another thing I've learned is that I can't afford chiropractic care like what I need. I had to find a way to stay out of the chiropractor's office as much as possible. I couldn't afford to move every month so I had to find another way! At some point, the inversion table came across my path. It made sense to invest in it without ever trying it, because if it could help me avoid chiropractor visits, it would pay for itself in a couple of months.

So I got a Teeter Hang Ups Inversion Therapy Table and put it together. Yes, it worked. Not only did it feel really good while on it, it also felt good afterward. Sometimes I can feel little "pops" in my lower back, which are less painful than the "pops" experienced at the chiropractor. Sometimes, just the expanding and opening up of the spine is enough to provide relief. I've also had problems with my neck, which have been relieved while using the inversion table as well.

During the past couple of days, I've been walking on a concrete floor, which always promotes leg, foot, and back pain for me. After five hours of this, I went home with horrible back pains, believing for sure I would have to make a chiropractor appointment. I got on my inversion table, and the pain was gone ten minutes later!

Now, I'm not going to pretend that the inversion table is all fun and games. Some days, I can hardly do it because it's so uncomfortable to my head and eyes. There is a danger of popping blood vessels in the eyes of some people. Most days, it is fine, but other days are just not good. I'm not sure what controls this. On the difficult days, I go back less, or work up to more and more as my body adjusts. But on other days, I can go right back and completely vertical with no problem.

If you are in the same boat as me, I would give the inversion table a try. Or better yet, see if you have a friend that has one so you can try it out before you buy your own. My goal is to live pain-free as well as avoid surgery. And thankfully, it looks like it's saving me money. I still go to the chiropractor from time to time, but I'm hoping one day it won't be necessary at all. As long as I avoid surgery, I'll be happy!

P.S. I can't believe I forgot to mention this! If you are having back or neck pain, try this: Get a sandwich bag, put in 8 pieces of ice (I'm not sure why, but it does specify EIGHT). Apply to the painful area, directly on skin, for 20 minutes EXACTLY. Repeat every hour as needed. It works, better than Advil!

Saturday, June 28, 2014

Benefits of a High Fat Diet

This video is free to watch through July 4, and I highly recommend it!

If you have diabetes or love someone who does, if you can't seem to lose weight, if you have any inflammatory disease/heart disease/high cholesterol, or have an athlete in your family, you MUST watch this video. It literally could save your life. 

Cereal Killers - The Movie

Thursday, June 26, 2014

Vinyl and Febreze on a Mattress??

Holy cow, did I really just read this? A mom asks a question about solving a mattress wrapping problem, and two responses tell her to:
  1. Why don't you just get a vinyl mattress cover that is the correct size for your mattress? Walmart has them in a range of standard sizes. 
  2. Just leave all the sheets and plastic off your mattress and let it air out naturally. You can also get some fabric spray I.E febreze to make it smell nice...
I've got to step away from the computer before my head explodes. What makes matters worse, the mom was co-sleeping with her baby and they thought vinyl and Febreze were still a good idea. (HINT: They're never a good idea, especially around babies!)

Read for yourself

Tuesday, June 24, 2014

What's in YOUR Water?

At least once a month, I get the rude awakening that friends of mine are still drinking water straight from the tap. It literally makes me want to vomit when I see it, not only because I know the kinds of things that are in there, but also because I know it tastes absolutely horrible! I've been selling Water Distillers for almost a decade, but most friends don't realize this. I decided I'm just not in their faces enough asking, "What in the WORLD are you thinking?!" when I realize what they are drinking. I'm a really crappy sales person!

So to all my friends who are drinking tap water, STOP. Just stop. Did you know that you have been drinking trihalomethanes (cancer-causing compounds resulting when chemical disinfectants react with organic matter in the water), fluoride (a toxin), pharmaceutical wastes, arsenic, lead, bacteria, pesticides...and this is the SHORT list!

Did you know that many municipal treatment plants cannot effectively treat giardia and cryptosporidia? Water experts estimate that 63% of waterborne illnesses are directly caused by these chlorine resistant cysts which can be fatal to the immune suppressed.

I bet you thought fluoride was good, but did you know that it's actually toxic and banned in China, India, Israel, Japan, and effectively banned in the European Union?

The Safe Drinking Water Act of 1974 initially regulated only 22 contaminants. Today there are 85,000 chemicals on the Federal Registry and about 1,000 new chemicals are added each year, though "safe" standards have been set for only 91 contaminants. The EPA is looking at 10,000 emerging pharmaceutical, industrial and agricultural contaminants already known to be in tap water, though only 104 of these common contaminants are currently under consideration by the EPA for regulation.

If you are wondering why the government doesn't ensure a safe water supply, consider that each household only drinks about a half gallon of water for every 100 gallons used per person each day. So it would be crazy for "authorities" to spend money on treating water going right down the drain.

Be your own authority. Realize now what has made sense to me for close to a decade. Water from the tap is NOT fit for consumption. Before you start patting yourself on the backs, bottled water drinkers,  the Environmental Working Group found that bottled water is not necessarily any safer than ordinary tap water. The lab tests of 10 popular brands identified 38 pollutants ranging from fertilizer residue to industrial solvents. (Not to mention, some bottled water costs more than gasoline, ALL those stupid plastic bottles, and lugging them home every week?! Yuck!)

Now, I'd like to say here that any old filtering system will do, but I know too much. You can purify your own water at home (the same yucky water that comes out of your tap!) but there are so many ways to do it. I'm going to jump right to the point, the BEST purification method is distillation.

The word "distillation" probably leads to visions of huge metal contraptions with tubes in your basement, banging and chugging as it spits out water into a huge vat. But what if I told you that a home water distiller resembled a coffee maker? See for yourself...
Nice, huh? That is just one distiller, and there are other styles to choose from. But no matter what it looks like, the point is... it purifies your water, EVERY single time. It doesn't lose effectiveness over time like all filters do, and you know your water is purified because you are doing it yourself rather than trusting someone else to do it. I'm sorry, but isn't this a no brainer?!

I know you are thinking now...what about cost? While the initial investment is a few hundred dollars up front, you will save about 70% compared to bottled water (which remember, isn't even near as safe as your own purified water!)When you distill your own water, you get ALL the bad stuff out, not just what a filter is rated for (usually just the chlorine/taste). Then, you can add back in only what you want. Whether apple cider vinegar, lemon, vitamins, or just plain water, it is DELICIOUS. Recently I gave a gallon to a friend of mine, and he made his morning coffee with it. He RAVED about how much better the coffee tasted when made with pure water.

Distilled water is also useful around the house, and you will always have some on hand.

This is just the tip of the iceberg, but you can learn more at Waterwise Distillers. I hope I have convinced you to take a look at this problem more closely. Seriously, we aren't getting any younger and your choice of drinking water can have an impact on your health. Make a positive impact on it today!