Friday, November 03, 2017

Mattress Wrap for a Stinky Mattress

My daughter recently wanted to upgrade from a twin size bed to a full, but funds were limited. We happened upon a free mattress from someone on facebook, but were disappointed to find that the mattress was a little bit "smoky," and it seemed like they tried to make it smell better by spraying it with Febreze.

Fortunately, we were able to cover it with a No-Chem Mattress Wrap and it completely "covered" the smell. My daughter can't stand smoke smell, and it makes her sick. But she's been using the mattress since this past summer, and has absolutely no complaints.

If you get a hand-me-down mattress that is stinky, I suggest using the No Chem Mattress Wrap, too!

Monday, May 29, 2017

Does the Ketogenic Diet Work?

Yes. The ketogenic diet does lead to weight loss.

A friend's 13 year-old daughter dances with my daughter and I've known them for two years. She dances approximately 15-20 hours per week. She would be considered "overweight" by practical standards. It is weird that she dances that much and still struggled with weight. Let me be clear, she DANCES. She doesn't just show up and give it 50%. She comes out of every class sweating and I see her give it 100% in every class I see. Mom decided to try something to help her lose weight, and came across the ketogenic diet. The transformation has been amazing. I don't know how much weight she has lost, but she looks amazing. She is still maybe 10 lbs away from a realistic goal, but sticking to the ketogenic diet has made the weight just fall off of her. I want to add, also, that she had been eating sugar-free candy as a treat, and when she stopped, she lost weight even faster.

I would not encourage this diet for full time use, as avoiding fruits and many vegetables will lead to other problems more severe than obesity. But it does work. It has also worked for my friend, the mom, and her son, who is also an athlete.

If you choose to follow the ketogenic diet, please do so carefully and under your doctor's care if you have other health problems.

Tuesday, March 21, 2017

The Chemical Imbalance theory - officially proven false!

I remember it like it was yesterday. I'd been feeling really tired and achy, so I went to a doctor my sister had recommended to see what might be going on with me. It was a female doctor near Atlanta, Georgia, and she spent about 15 minutes poking me and doing a general exam before writing me a prescription for Prozac.

I was stunned.

I had already seen the stories on "Oprah" to know what Prozac could do to a person, and I was smart enough to question this action, even if she was a doctor. Even more alarming was that she requested no follow up visit. I could have taken the Prozac, gone out and killed someone (or myself) and she had no concern about whether or not the drug was going to work (or make things worse).

I never took the Prozac. A few weeks later I ended up quitting my job, and miraculously, my symptoms went away.

Now I've come across this article and I'd like to share it with the world! Please share widely.

The Chemical Imbalance theory - officially proven false!

Protocol for Autoimmune Disease Prevention

Below I share a great article, which came across my facebook feed a few days ago. It's everything I support at Eve's Best, and things that I've figured out in my own life just by listening to my body. The article doesn't define or list autoimmune diseases, so I'll provide that here. I'm not promising this is an exhaustive list, but a great start so you know what she's referring to if you don't have one of these diseases!

Alopecia Areata
Anklosing Spondylitis
Antiphospholipid Syndrome
Autoimmune Addison’s Disease
Autoimmune Hemolytic Anemia
Autoimmune Hepatitis
Autoimmune Inner Ear Disease
Autoimmune Lymphoproliferative  Syndrome (ALPS)
Autoimmune Thrombocytopenic Purpura (ATP)
Behcet’s Disease
Bullous Pemphigoid
Celiac Sprue-Dermatitis
Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Immune Deficiency Syndrome (CFIDS)
Chronic Inflammatory Demyelinating Polyneuropathy
Cicatricial Pemphigoid
Cold Agglutinin Disease
CREST Syndrome
Crohn’s Disease
Dego’s Disease
Dermatomyositis - Juvenile
Discoid Lupus
Essential Mixed Cryoglobulinemia
Fibromyalgia – Fibromyositis
Grave’s Disease
Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis
Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis
Idiopathic Thrombocytopenia Purpura (ITP)
IgA Nephropathy
Insulin Dependent Diabetes (Type I)
Juvenile Arthritis
Meniere’s Disease
Mixed connective Tissue Disease
Multiple Sclerosis
Myasthenia Gravis
Pemphigus Vulgaris
Pernicious Anemia
Polyarteritis Nodosa
Polyglancular Syndromes
Polymyalgia Rheumatica
Polymyositis and Dermatomyositis
Primary Agammaglobulinemia
Primary Biliary Cirrhosis
Raynaud’s Phenomenon
Reiter’s Syndrome
Rheumatic Fever
Rheumatoid Arthritis
Sjogren’s Syndrome
Stiff-Man Syndrome
Takayasu Arteritis
Temporal Arteritis/Giant Cell Arteritis
Ulcerative Colitis
Wegener’s Granulomatosis

One word of caution before I send you to read the article. Don't even look at her vitamin protocol. It is outrageously expensive and you can do just as well putting together your own protocol for much less money. (Here's what I take).

Read The Rise of Early Autoimmunity & How to Avoid It by Dr. Amy Myers

Tuesday, March 07, 2017

Do Vaccines and Pet Food Shorten Lives?

Having been a pet mommy since I was a little girl, pets have always been a part of my life. We always  had a dog and numerous cats, but it wasn't until I was an adult that I realized how involved the care and keeping of a pet was! The truth is, it has gotten more expensive and surreal in the last couple of decades, as I've noticed “pet insurance” popping up, animals dying before their time of liver and kidney disease, and “teeth cleaning” becoming a thing. (I don't remember our dogs ever having their teeth cleaned when I was young!)

Back in the “good old days” dogs lived 15+ years and then they died of old age. Not anymore. What is different?

It might be obvious only to me, but as I've watched people's diets go downhill and watched people getting bigger and bigger, I've also noticed dogs' health decline at the same time. I believe two things are factoring into this problem and they are vaccines and inadequate food.

In Veterinarian says pet deaths caused by over-vaccination by Vicki Batts, Batts says of veterinarian Dr. John Robb: “Robb says that he has seen yearly rabies vaccines make pets vomit, become ill, develop immune disorders, cancers, and has even seen the shot kill the pets of unsuspecting owners. One of the largest problems with veterinary vaccines is that these inoculations are of the one-size-fits-all variety. A 5-pound Chihuahua will receive the same dose of vaccine as a 100-pound bulldog. Does that seem logical to you?”

Some cities only require a rabies vaccine every three years, while most require a yearly booster, despite the fact that the vaccine lasts much longer than a year. And this is only one vaccine; there are others that dogs get as puppies. Most people don't think about the vaccines when their dog becomes sick early in life, and probably write it off as bad luck or something, I don't know.

They also probably don't think about their pets' food. More people seem to have waken up regarding pets' diets, but the majority still don't want to feed their pets what it really takes to keep them healthy. Part of this is because a lot of pet owners just love animals, but can't afford the food that they need. So that cheap bag of kibble is perfect, because they really believe if it was bad for their pets, it wouldn't be on the shelf! (Isn't that why people eat chips, cookies, and ice cream?)

I feel strongly that food is an even bigger issue for pet health, because you can skip vaccines, but you can't skip feeding your pets! Many pet owners who realize this make their own pet food each day, and they have animals that live into their 20's. That is just too much work for most people, so most will still settle for a kibble that they can pour out of a bag. We are currently there, using Life's Abundance dog and cat food. We also give our pets foods that are healthy for them (like pumpkin for the cats, and carrots and apples for the dogs). But the majority of their food comes from Life's Abundance. I was just opening a new bag this morning and caught a glimpse of the ingredient list. Sad to say, it is healthier than a lot of the snacks I buy my kids. Life's Abundance has recently acquired Flint River Ranch, another pet food company that closed down, so Flint River Ranch customers will be able to find those products again. Both companies are reputable, make their food in the US, and best of all, when you order from them, should they find a problem with a batch of food, they will know how to find their customers and warn them. This doesn't happen, but the chain is there if it does.

I don't have pet insurance, but I do invest in my pets' health each month by purchasing them healthy food. We also delay vaccinations and go without when possible. I wonder if people spent a little more money on their pets' food rather than insurance, would they have healthier pets? I think so. I mean, it's the same with right and you are much better off, insurance or not!

Unplugging Appliances to Save Money

I don't remember why I did it, but about a month ago, I decided to unplug all the electric appliances that don't get used frequently to see what it would do to my electric bill. The weather in both months was comparable, so there wasn't really a difference in the heater coming on periodically (gas furnace, but electric blower). The difference was a 25% decrease after unplugging everything. The things that I did not unplug included my PC, wireless router, washer/dryer, fridge, lamps, and a second PC. I have since unplugged more after seeing that it saved some dough. The washer and dryer are unplugged and I'm going to start unplugging my PC and wireless router for not only money reasons, but also health reasons.

Last year our electric company installed a smart meter. We do not have an opt out option where I live, so I've been pretty ticked about the whole thing. Many people have reported skyrocketing electric bills with the smart meter, not just in my city, but across the country. That is entirely a different issue, but my main concern is that people smarter than me are saying it's a health hazard. Now, I admit I have a microwave in my house (GASP!) and use it sometimes. So I feel kind of hypocritical worrying about the smart meter and its health implications. But I guess what gets me is that I can choose to lose the microwave if I wanted, and the smart meter has been forced on me. I did move the microwave to the end of the kitchen which is just opposite the outside wall which holds the smart meter, so at least the offenders are together now. But I've unplugged the microwave, so hopefully 99% of the time, it's like it isn't even there.

If you are wondering what in the world I'm talking about, read 17 Ways to Minimize Exposure to Dirty Electricity & EMFs, by Lloyd Burrell.

Whether you do it to save money, or save your health, I think it's common sense to unplug things that aren't being used. I've read in forums people stating what a pain it would be, and it just hasn't affected my day to day living at all. This is mostly because I do laundry in chunks of time, hardly ever watch television, and just don't use a lot of electronics everyday requiring me to plug stuff back in. Give it a try and see what happens to your bill! And remember that even if it only goes down a little bit, it's probably helping your body as well, so that is definitely worth it!

Tuesday, February 14, 2017

Chris Beat Cancer Offers FREE Square One Cancer Coaching



If you don't know Chris Wark, today is your lucky day. He is a cancer survivor (surgery, but no chemo) and health advocate who coaches others on how to beat cancer naturally.

His website is and you can gain a wealth of info from him and his blog posts.

And NOW... you can view his Square One series for FREE beginning February 15 (TOMORROW!)

Take a look!

Tuesday, January 10, 2017

Frozen Shoulder Remedy and Trigger Points

This is a remedy for frozen shoulder, or adhesive capsulitis, that you can do at home by yourself.

After painting the inside of my rental house a couple of years ago, the shoulder that had been nagging me a bit became excruciatingly painful. I couldn't do much with my arm at all, and my chiropractor offered no advice. I did change chiropractors, and my new one sent me to have it checked out after an x-ray looked odd. Eventually the orthopedic surgeon diagnosed me with adhesive capsulitis and I kind of got the feeling that since I wasn't a surgery candidate, I was a disappointment. But he was glad to stick a needle in my shoulder! While the cortisone shot was painful, it did help a LOT. Physical therapy helped with stretches, but after I returned to the orthopedic surgeon for a follow up, he took me off physical therapy out of fear that I was being pushed too hard. He offered me another shot, but I turned it down and wanted to wait and see if it got bad enough to warrant it again. I was on the bubble at the time, and the pain of the shot was not worth it at that point. And I'm glad, because I never needed a shot again!

Here is what helped relieve my frozen shoulder. I wish I had learned this at the very beginning! In this video, you can jump to 1:11 for the specific instructions of what to do.

An excellent video explaining trigger points:

The most useful video by far about trigger points:

I hope this answers some questions for you. I'm sure this information will save you a little in doctor visits for unexplained pain! Also, if you are in pain but don't have any trigger points that you can find, remember that nutritional deficiencies can cause pain as well. If you aren't taking vitamins, you have deficiencies!