Sunday, December 02, 2007

December at Eve's Best

December is here, and I just can't believe that the year is almost over! Where did it go? I remember adults telling me when I was little that when I grew up, time would fly. And I find myself telling my kids the same thing! It's so true!

The past few months, sales have skyrocketed, and I'm very grateful for each and every customer. It has been difficult keeping some items in stock, and while it's frustrating, it makes having a business so worth it!

A new product we have added recently is Stack and Stick Wooden Building Toys. These make perfect Christmas gifts for boys or girls. My daughter saw the pictures on my computer screen and immediately said, "I want that!" They are made in the USA, which is nice in light of the recent toy recalls. Feel free to use this coupon code to save $10 on your favorite set: CUST10. This coupon is only good through December 10, so don't drag your feet!

A couple of other products (that you can read about in older posts) include reusable bags and Tees for Change . You might also want to put some Soft Star Shoes under your tree this year. (I'll take some!)

But the most important thing we have to talk about this month is Think Right Now! International. Just visit Eve's Best and you will learn why this company is very important to what we do and our goal of living healthy. Start at the STOP sign, and read what we have learned that could change your life today in a BIG way. It has mine, and I'm excited about sharing it with others who are ready to live the life they deserve.

Oh! I almost forgot. We have a number of products on clearance and wanted to make sure that you grabbed a bargain or two. Here are some direct links to make it easier on you.

bumGenius 2.0 One Size Diapers
The Keeper Menstrual Cup
Knitted Washcloths
One Size Organic Cotton Diapers
Organic Cotton Nursing Top

We also have many items in our Bargain Basement for those TRUE bargain shoppers!

I think that is all for now, and I hope to keep up better in 2008! I'm sure it will zoom by just as quickly as 2007 did!

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