Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Chemical-Free Progesterone Cream Testimony

If you are male, sorry, this will be TMI. If you are a wonderful boyfriend or husband, this information might just help your girlfriend or wife, so listen up!! :)

Sometime before my 38th birthday, I noticed that my periods weren't as "normal" as they used to be. Instead of every 28 days, they were more like every 21-23 days. Then I noticed that I had spotting, almost every day in between my periods. As someone who had a regular period every 28 days since the age 11 (except for pregnancies), I knew that it was probably time for "the change." For many women, "the change" can take place over a ten year period (no pun intended), when menstruation finally ceases. This time period is known as "peri-menopause."

If you or your woman is in her mid-30s and beginning to have varying cycles, it is probably peri-menopause. But here's the problem...it's a freaking PAIN in the neck. I ruined so many pairs of panties from continual spotting and refusing to use any pads or liners. I just knew I would stop spotting, but I never did. Finally, I had a period show up that I wasn't even sure was my period because I had spotted the whole month. But seven days later, when I was still bleeding through SUPER absorbent tampons, I knew this was either a much heavier than normal period, or I was bleeding to death!

That is where I finally drew the line and decided to try progesterone cream. After the very first month, things went back to normal. My periods went back to a 28 day cycle, and the spotting ceased within the month. Of course, there are many other benefits of progesterone cream, and if you are having other symptoms that you feel may be related to a hormone imbalance associated with peri-menopause, click on the image below to learn a whole lot more about progesterone cream and how it might help you! Don't wait until you have to replace all your panties, and don't wait for your man to Google, "What is wrong with my hormonal woman?"

Monday, April 19, 2010

No Deaths from Vitamins, Minerals, Amino Acids or Herbs

As we all argue about health care reform, what are we really fighting for? The ability to get prescriptions cheaper that are killing us daily? As we fight about who is entitled to health care, the monsters in control quietly work at removing our freedoms to take supplements that provide health benefits... read the article

The FDA Shuts Down Common Infant Vaccine After Startling Discovery

“U.S. federal health authorities recommended … that doctors suspend using Rotarix, one of two vaccines licensed in the U.S. against rotavirus, saying the vaccine is contaminated with material from a pig virus,” CNN reports. (Read more...)

Sadly, this is an example of a vaccine that really isn't neccesary for U.S. children or those in developed countries. If you do vaccinate your kids, make sure that they are getting what you really think they need, and not every vaccine on the market. It is YOUR child...not the doctor's and NOT the government's. DO YOUR RESEARCH!

Monday, March 29, 2010

Great Article on MSG Dangers

I've always been careful about food choices, but ever since Jamie Oliver has jumped into our living room, I've become even more careful than usual. Obesity has numerous causes, including overeating, of course. But making better food choices is more important now, more than ever before. Making the wrong choices can actually alter your brain, leading to more obesity!

Studies show MSG fed Mice became Grossly Obese

Make sure you read the comments at the bottom as well!

Thursday, March 25, 2010

High Fructose Corn Syrup Linked to Liver Scarring

There has been a lot in the media about high fructose corn syrup (HFCS) recently and if you weren't aware of this, you may have caught the commercial on TV stating how HFCS is just like sugar. Well, it's not. Don't believe everything you see on commercials...unless it's those numerous side effects for drugs that you "might" get (you WILL) and always double check the information to see for yourself. You can be that if there is a commercial, they are spending that money for a reason, and sometimes it IS to pull the wool over your eyes. Here is one article:

High Fructose Corn Syrup Linked to Liver Scarring

And if you've missed other HFCS information, here's one from 2007 from Dr. Mercola:
How High Fructose Corn Syrup Damages Your Body

There is something in that first article that I don't agree with. The author refers to the solution to heart disease as being a low-fat diet. That is simply not true. Most people these days realize that we have to consume the RIGHT fats, in proportional amounts. But I'm pretty sure Americans on "low fat" diets have proven that they lead to "high carb" diets which are MUCH worse for you. Look at our obesity epidemic for proof...
If you are a parent of young children, check these foods for HFCS and buy alternatives! If you think of some that I'm not listing, please comment and mention them!
jelly/jam, catsup (or Ketchup), soft drinks, syrup, barbecue sauces, salad dressings, baked goods, cereals
You can find alternative jelly, catsup and real maple syrup in your natural foods section.

Thursday, October 01, 2009

Lack of Vitamin D in U.S. Kids “Shocking”

Just in time for cold and flu season, here is some information that will be truely helpful to you. Make sure you are getting enough Vitamin D because it is very important and provides many benefits to your entire body!

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Root Canal Case Studies: Dental Toxicity and Cancer

Here is the beginning of a great article by Bill Henderson on root canals and cancer.

"Before I begin "harping" again on my favorite subject about cancer cause and cure, let me thank you for your patience while Terry and I enjoyed a wonderful vacation in Italy from July 16th through August 3rd. It took me a couple of weeks to catch up on the backup of calls and e-mails (and get over the jet lag), but it was a wonderful trip. We saw all the "highlights" of Italy -- and some of the lowlights. Our favorite part of the trip, which included Venice, Verona, Pisa, Lucca, Florence, Rome and Naples, was the Cinque Terre. This is a group of five quaint villages literally carved out of the cliff along the Mediterranean. You can hike between them and the coast views are incredible. We even swam some at one of the beaches. If I had it to do over again, I would concentrate on the Tuscany area in central Italy. This includes the Cinque Terre region as well as Pisa (boring), Lucca (Puccini's home), and Florence (incredible).
Now, back to my favorite subject -- dental toxicity and its relation to cancer. Why, you ask, do I keep stressing this subject in my newsletters, radio shows, workshops and speeches? I'll tell you why. Because I've found from talking to about 3,000 cancer patients in the last 9 years that it is a critical factor in almost all of their cancer healing."

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Should Parents be Forced to Give their Child Chemotherapy?

I just read an interesting blog post from Dr. Laura that I totally disagree with. You can read it here: http://www.drlaurablog.com/2009/05/21/fleeing-from-life-saving-cancer-treatment/
Dr. Laura, like most people in the USA, assumes that chemotherapy is a life-saving cancer treatment that will surely save this boy from his disease. She also assumes that natural treatments will be ineffective. But how does she know? She doesn't. The fact is that information is being withheld from people that would help them better understand how cancer works and how best to defeat it.
I have a friend whose little boy was in cancer treatment. She did a lot of her own research on the side, and found it astonishing that while doctors pumped dangerous drugs into these cancer-stricken children, they also fed them cancer-causing foods and watched parents give them pop from their own machines while in the hospital! People are still in denial that their diets have anything to do with cancer or any other disease they might "end up with." This is because the cancer industry is focusing on the expensive drugs that fund their paychecks and not on what people really need to know!
Quickly Googling "how effective is chemotherapy" will bring up loads of information on this topic including this great article: http://cancerfighter.wordpress.com/2008/10/10/how-effective-is-chemotherapy/ The fact is, chemotherapy has proven much less effective in treating cancers, yet doctors still present it as a panacea for cancer in almost all cases. (It has a 2-5% success rate!)
The other question here is whether or not the government has the right to make us or our children receive medical care that we do not want. How is it any more their right to decide what medical care children should receive than their own parents' rights? And does this mean that if government imposed treatment is forced unwillingly that parents can sue when the treatment doesn't work? The last time I checked, I live in the USA. We have certain freedoms here. And as far as I'm concerned, being intelligent and conscientious and not allowing my child to receive treatment that will possibly kill him before the disease does is a freedom that should be encouraged by our citizens, members of government included. Let them have our soldiers; our children are parents' responsibilities!!

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Natural Solution to Urinary Tract Infections

My daughter started having UTI's at age 3. She was fully potty trained, staying dry at night, and I later realized, getting too busy with playing to stop and go potty. Yes, after about a thousand dollars in testing, we found out she was totally fine physically, but she kept on getting infections. This tends to happen when little ones (particularly girls) hold their urine too long. And once they get one infection, they are more susceptible to them in the future.
After a while, I realized that cranberry supplements were very effective in keeping these infections at bay. So we gave them to her daily, even more than what the label suggested. She is now 6.5 and we haven't used the cranberry in a while. But yesterday morning, I knew something was wrong when she woke up at 8 am and I kept hearing the bathroom door close. She asked if she could take a bath because she was "hurting." Oddly enough, this was the first time she has experienced pain with a UTI, and if you've ever had one, you know why that is strange!
So my suspicions were correct, and it took about 10 minutes to talk her into taking the cranberry. (With one infection her fever went up to 106 degrees and she had to get a very painful shot...I simply reminded her of that.) The pills don't taste bad, she was just grumpy and in pain and wanted to defy anything I asked of her.
Within the hour, I had my happy, cheerful daughter back and there were no further signs of infection. Had we not had the cranberry supplements, we would have spent $60 at the doctor and at least $10 for antibiotics, not to mention the havoc that they wreak on the body!
I can only vouch for the ones that we take, the "Solaray CranActin Chewables." This company also has drops, and pills for adults, but the chewable is good for the whole family so it's good to keep around the house.
If your child has never had a UTI you may be wondering how you would know if you don't take your child to the doctor. Like I said, my daughter never experienced pain. She has had pain in her kidney area, but not "down there" like is typical. The very first symptom I ever saw from her was that she had an accident on the kitchen floor. She was totally potty trained. Five minutes later, it happened again. She was also unable to stay dry at night, even though she had been dry at night for six months. Another tell-tale sign is that the urine has a different smell. It stinks, actually. My son got an infection when we drove to Dallas for six hours and I realized when he was having painful urination that he hadn't had any water all day. Yikes! Another symptom which is really scary is blood in the urine. With her first infection, my daughter never complained of pain, so when I saw blood in her urine I was severely alarmed.
The most common reason children get infections is not drinking enough water, and holding their urine. When they hold it, the sensation goes away temporarily and they think they don't have to go anymore. Then it comes back, and they know it will go away, so they wait through it, and resume play. This is where parents come in. Making your children come inside to potty is key to avoiding this problem. If you have to set a timer to remind you, it would be wise. The most important thing to children is having fun, and going potty does nothing but get in the way of their goal.
If you have urinary tract problems yourself, I would definitely get on this regimen! Also, make sure to boost your immune system by eating right and getting outside when it's sunny. And it goes without saying...drink plenty of pure water daily and avoid your favorite sodas.

Crystal Stick Deodorant

If you have seen the Crystal Stick deodorant in the little purple container and always wondered if it worked, it does! As a matter of fact, it works WAY better than other natural deodorants. For me it has even worked better than the "fully loaded" un-natural deodorants that are supposed to stop anything. Not only does the Crystal Stick not stain your shirts, it doesn't leave that gooey mess in your armpits, which might matter to you now that summer is fast approaching. For campers and hikers, you can rest assured that none of nature's winged creatures will be attracted to you this summer since the Crystal Stick has no scent.
The Crystal Stick is made of natural mineral salts and is completely free of chemicals, perfumes, and dyes. You simply wet the stick (or use on wet arm pits after shower) and rub on the arm pits just like you would any regular deodorant. You can also use it on smelly feet!
Of course, after swimming, you would need to re-apply, whereas a regular deodorant would hang on after swimming. If you've always wondered about this product, now you know! Try it...it will save you money! One stick lasts approximately one year.

Monday, January 12, 2009

Interesting Articles on the FDA and Alternative Medicine

Here are a couple of articles that you might find interesting:

FDA scientists complain to Obama of 'corruption' By RICARDO ALONSO-ZALDIVAR

'Alternative' Medicine Is Mainstream- By DEEPAK CHOPRA , DEAN ORNISH , RUSTUM ROY and ANDREW WEIL The evidence is mounting that diet and lifestyle are the best cures for our worst afflictions.

Thursday, January 08, 2009

Sleep Disorders

Dr. Oz (you know- "Oprah's doctor") is talking about people who have trouble sleeping this week. I can't imagine suffering from a sleep disorder, as I've dealt with a few from time to time for just a short period and they almost drove me mad. As a child, I would sleep walk often. But not being able to sleep is probably one of the worst feelings in the world, and NOT something I could deal with easily.
I'm one of those that falls asleep practically as soon as my head hits the pillow. But sometimes, for whatever reason, I can't sleep! Usually it's because I've got too much on my mind. I try to keep a stress-free life, but things creep in and get to me, and chip away at my sleep.
At one point in my life, I thought I had to get everything done before I could go to bed, so I was up until 2 am some nights. Then I would sleep until 10 am. Recently, I reversed that habit and get up at either 4 am or 6 am (depending on how much I have to do) and go to bed much earlier. This schedule has also helped me get some alone time, which is VERY helpful since I am a single mom who also homeschools. I had read somewhere that going to bed earlier and getting up earlier is a more natural schedule for our bodies and I think this is true. I feel much better. And I know if I don't finish something, I will have time in the morning to do so. Just changing the timing seems to have given me three extra hours in the day. It's wild! If you have control over your schedule, it might be something you want to look into if you aren't doing it already.
In any case, this might help you get the sleep you need if you are lying awake at night, tossing and turning, and watching the hours go by. Happy sleeping!

Friday, October 10, 2008

Yoplait and rBGH Drama - Breast Cancer Cause

Yes, you read that title correctly! The Yoplait/rBGH drama is enough stress by itself to cause breast cancer! So here's the deal. I received a couple of emails from two different organizations. Here is one:

Dear Citizen Activist,
October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month, and you may have already seen the ads touting Yoplait's campaign against breast cancer, called Save Lids to Save Lives .
The company plans to donate 10 cents to the fight against breast cancer for every cup of yogurt with with a pink foil lid that consumers purchase.
Yoplait touts its yogurt as being healthy for women, but what's inside is anything but.
The reality is that Yoplait yogurt is made with milk from cows that have been injected with a synthetic hormone called recombinant bovine growth hormone (called rBGH or rBST). Research indicates that there are numerous health concerns linked to the consumption of dairy from cows injected with rBGH - and breast cancer is one of them.
The bottom line is that rBGH is unsafe - and unnecessary. In fact, the use of rBGH has already been banned in Australia, Canada, Japan, and all 27 countries in the European Union. In addition to the many companies that offer rBGH-free products, big-box stores and food and beverage chains like Wal-Mart, Publix, Kroger, Starbucks, and Chipotle have committed to reducing or completely eliminating dairy products made with rBGH from their stores. If these companies can do it, Yoplait can too. In support of Breast Cancer Awareness Month, and in solidarity with millions of women, ask Yoplait to do the right thing and put a lid on rBGH.

Thanks for staying involved,
The Citizens for Health Team

So of course, I clicked on the button so that my "voice would be heard," and got this response from Yoplait:

Thank you for contacting General Mills concerning BST.

BST (bovine somatotropin) is a hormone naturally found in cows. The synthetic version of this hormone (not to be confused with a steroid hormone) has been subjected to extensive testing. The Food & Drug Administration, American Medical Association, National Institutes of Health, the U.S. Department of Agriculture along with a number of other science-based organizations have concluded that there are no food safety issues in conjunction with milk produced by BST-supplemented cows.

Because BST is naturally found in all cows′ milk, there is no scientific way to test the milk to determine if the BST present is from synthetic sources or natural sources. The amount of BST present in milk will not be greater from a synthetic source than it would be occurring naturally.

For more information about Bovine Somatotropin (BST) or Bovine Growth Hormone (BGH) you may wish to visit the United States Department of Agriculture′s website at

We hope you will continue to enjoy our products.

Sincerely,General Mills Consumer Services

In response to THEIR response, I received this in my inbox today:

Were you surprised to get a response from General Mills?
We weren't. It's just that their tidy little response was one that only a lawyer or a politician could love. As many of you pointed out to us, General Mills didn't even address the issue! If you go back and connect the dots, you'll see that our Action Alert was about rBGH, and General Mills' response was about BGH.
What's the difference between BGH and rBGH?
To reiterate, Bovine Growth Hormone (BGH) is a natural protein hormone produced in a cow's pituitary gland. Recombinant BGH (a/k/a rBGH) is a synthetic, unnatural hormone injected into the cow so she'll produce more milk - unnaturally!
Why did General Mills only mention BGH and not rBGH?
Because if General Mills dealt with rBGH straight up, they would have to acknowledge that it's banned in Canada, Australia, Japan and all 27 countries in the European Union. And Starbucks and Safeway stores in the northwest (among others) have voluntarily banned it in their products.
Why should you care?
Again, rBGH is not only synthetic; it also increases production of the hormone Insulin Growth Factor-1 (IGF-1), which in excessive amounts in humans beyond infancy is a cancer accelerator associated with breast, prostate and colon cancers.In lawyer-land, we call this kind of reply by General Mills sophistry, which is a fancy term for deceitful bull****. We need to make sophistry a thing of the past when it comes to the governance and business of our health.

So there it is in a nutshell. Don't buy into the Yoplait bullpoop. For years I've run from anything "pink" so this is no different for me. As a matter of fact, we only buy organic yogurt anyway, and raw yogurt 99% of the time. But I have not been pinkwashed, and every October I try to reach more converts. For more information, visit Think Before You Pink.

Thursday, October 09, 2008

Eliminate Fear of Failure

Here is a great letter from Mike Brescia that I wanted to share because it came to me JUST after I realized these things on my own. Perhaps it will help someone learn much earlier what took me 37 years to learn!

Yesterday, I was asked by a client how he could get the stressors in his life to go away. He said that he was smart, talented, outgoing, hardworking and ambitious, but that he would frequently get overwhelmed with all the responsibilities and all the directions he was being pulled in each day.

I told him that his request is an unreasonable one.

The stressors -- responsibilities -- will not go away, nor should they.

Because to get rid of one, another one will probably, as if by magic, replace it.

This is a good thing, because no responsibilities means that you are either dead or a complete burden to others.

I told him to not wish them to be gone, but to give them new labels and meanings instead. Because when nothing on the outside can or should change, it is on the inside where the only good can be done.

Many parts of your life are literally about jobs, tasks, responsibilities... so when you can experience the joy built into each one of them, instead of seeing them as your curse, you will not feel any negative stress, even though nothing on the outside of you has changed at all.

Our duties are the DOINGS of our lives.

Without them, there is no life at all.

Even play is filled with tasks and duties and rules. What would our favorite games be without rules that all players must adhere to.

I told him that he must change the meaning that he gives to his chores in all areas of his life.

When he does this, what he calls stress will melt away.

He now calls them stressors...

So I told him to call them things he gets to do, vows, promises or pledges.

Instantly he felt great.

He said they didn't seem scary any more.

That is the power of labels. That is why people will work hard and long for a title even when no additional compensation (or any compensation at all) goes with it.

Now, of course, his emotional change was in the moment. And emotions can work quickly for you. But they can just as quickly turn negative again when your lifelong patterns get back in control...

And they WILL take over again even after profound emotional breakthroughs occur.

Life-long conditioning is what put our long-time fears in place. Conditioning over a lifetime is what makes us give the meanings we put on things.

To one person, a sunset is the most beautiful thing in the world, but to another it only means that a dreadful tomorrow is that much closer.

Those viewpoints weren't developed overnight.

Everyone has fears due to unsupportive meanings and viewpoints.

So when I myself feel less than some task I have before me, I now use 'Releasing Fear Of Failure Now!' to give me strength. When I read the words, and affirm to myself silently or out loud, I begin instantly to feel bigger, more capable. Smarter, even though I didn't grow smarter in seconds. Stronger, even though I am no stronger than I was moments before.

And the challenge (responsibility) seems smaller somehow, and easier.

The thing to remember is that nothing has any meaning except the meaning we give it.

And those meanings create emotions, which guide decisions.

To be free of fear and negative stress is to automatically-- without having to think -- view what is in front of you as a grain of sand that can be walked upon and passed by without conscious effort.

Do that and your life will be a smooth, enjoyable flow, no matter what "difficulty" or "deadline" you have in front of you.

'Releasing Fear Of Failure Now!' can do that for you.

It will internalize and condition into you empowering emotions relating to the things that frighten you and that stop you from living fully and being as adventurous as you once dreamed of being and still dream of being.


Mike Brescia

PS: The introductory 25% discount on 'Releasing Fear Of Failure Now!' is ending soon. You do not want to miss out on this remarkable price reduction!

I have purchased many of the Think Right Now! programs and can attest to their effectiveness. If everyone used these programs, there would be LOTS of useless books removed from circulation!

Monday, September 01, 2008

Is Your Organic Food Really Organic?

When you buy food with a "USDA organic" label, do you know what you're getting? Now is a good time to ask such a question, as the USDA just announced Monday it was putting 15 out of 30 federally accredited organic certifiers they audited on probation, allowing them 12 months to make corrections or lose their accreditation. At the heart of the audit for several certifiers were imported foods and ingredients from other countries, including China. read more...

Saturday, August 02, 2008

Is Gardasil Killing Our Teens?

This is a MUST read article regarding the HPV vaccine and its effects on the young girls who have received this deadly, worthless vaccine.


Wednesday, July 09, 2008


The Organic Consumers Association's (OCA) and allies are calling for a boycott of all Kellogg's products after Kellogg's refuses to source only GE-Free Sugar. Monsanto's RoundUp Ready Genetically Engineered Sugar is due to hit stores this year, exposing millions of consumers to untested and unlabeled "Franken Foods" that threaten human heath, the environment and farmers' rights everywhere. Take Action-Join the Boycott!
Make a Free Call to Kellogg's and let them know how you feel http://organicconsumers.org/ge/CallKelloggs.htm
Send a Letter to the Editor of you Local Newspapers about the Boycott http://salsa.democracyinaction.org/o/642/letter/?letter_KEY=1009

Friday, April 11, 2008

Komen Gives Money to Planned Parenthood

This article just blew me away. I've already stated where I stand on the whole pink ribbon campaign, but even knowing what I know about the cancer industry, this still totally shocked me. Apparently, some Komen affiliates are donating thousands of dollars, over $700,000 in all, to local Planned Parenthood offices. While Planned Parenthood says that the donations are earmarked for breast exams, if you know anything about money you know that it just freed up money for other procedures such as abortions. (I remember back when the Georgia Lottery was being discussed and how they brainwashed people into believing that it would bring more money into the schools. Sure it brought money into the schools, and the money that was already being spent on the schools went somewhere else. Nice, huh?)

Anyway, we're all adults. Let's be real. I guess I can't double-boycott the Komen Foundation, but this is just another reason why you should if you haven't. Use your money for your own prevention strategies and do your due diligence when it comes to cancer and cancer research. While I once supported them all, including the American Cancer Society and their famous "Relay for Life," I now go out of my way to avoid giving any cancer research company my money. If a product has a pink ribbon, I will not buy it. I will either go without or use a different brand. For more information, you can visit http://www.thinkbeforeyoupink.org/

Here's the article: http://www.lifenews.com/nat3849.html

Tuesday, April 08, 2008

FDA Action Against Raw Milk

Being consumers of raw milk, articles like this catch our attention. It is amazing that we live in a "free" country, yet we cannot easily obtain and consume what WE feel is a nutritious food. How is it that selling raw meat - parts of a dead animal- is not questioned, but selling raw milk is under intense scrutiny? Does that make any sense at all?


Saturday, April 05, 2008

What are you doing for Earth Day?

As my kids have gotten older, I try to teach them why conserving resources is important to me, and why I do things a little differently than others might. My son just happened to be born on Earth Day, and I have an earth tattoo from my "just want to see what it feels like" early twenties. I also have to admit that I am somewhat of a tree hugger, but not so much that I wear sandals in the winter. Even I catch myself doing things that are wasteful, and smacking myself on the head with a "do'h!" Like having reusable bags, but leaving them at home. Or not taking the time to learn more about recycling in my area and throwing it all in the trash. We've lived in our town for two years, and this Earth Day I made the committment to learn about recycling and where we take our recyclables. I'm also considering putting this "green" information together for new residents so that they know what's what. Since I homeschool, our science and social studies lessons during the month of April are ALL about things that we can do in our homes to help make our community and planet a little better for us all. We will be visiting the recycling center as well as our new state of the art landfill that was put in two years ago, and hopefully they will get an idea of the impact of what we throw away. Here are some things that other work at home moms are doing to keep our planet healthy:

"We are now using a 3 bag system (often used for sorting dirty clothes) to recycle. One bag is for pop cans/bottles, one bag is for other type cans and the last bag is for plastics. We are keeping it in our garage very close to the door which is close to the kitchen for ease of use. We already recycle newspapers, phone books magazines, etc. We are also being more diligent with electricity. Turning off lights when not in use. My 4.5yo loves joining in. We try and make it fun for her to be able to participate and learn how to help our environment." Photo Bug Baby - Toni Saussele

"Our family doesn't leave the water running while brushing our teeth as this seems such a waste of water. We also recycle paper, plastics and tin/metal every day. We reuse our plastic water bottles that we have bought from the store when we were "on the run". Plus, when we are done using the water bottles, we recycle them. (We try not to have the need for purchasing water from the stores). When possible we try to purchase paper products that have been made out of recycled paper.

We also have a compost. This cuts down on the trash that is going into our landfills and the compost can be used as a natural fertilizer in our garden. Our family use "green" products when ever possible. This includes all types of cleaning products to bath and body products. This not only helps the earth by not using harmful chemicals but also helps better our health at the same time.

Our family business reuses packing materials/containers whenever possible to cut down on waste as well as passing savings onto our customers. The bulk of our products are made from a renewable resource that is natural and non-toxic to the earth and humans (or animals)." SeaGlass Candles - Kelly

"Businesses and consumers today can choose from a wide range of high quality products that are equal in performance to traditional products, but can result in lower waste, fewer chemicals, lower energy use and less material use. At Dezigns by T we go for the greener options when purchasing products and materials for our homes and office. From printing on post-consumer recycled content (PCR) paper to switching from incandescent bulbs to energy efficient compact fluorescents to packaging our products with recycled materials we believe in making more personal decisions with the environment in mind.

In our quest to further reduce our carbon footprint Dezigns by T has partnered with TerraPass to sponsor clean energy and carbon reduction projects that result in a verified, measurable reduction in carbon emissions. We invite you to visit our TerraPass partner page to learn more about the projects that Dezigns by T and TerraPass support and to find out how your organization can balance its carbon emissions."

"I saw a show about climate change on Oprah awhile back, and I ran straight out to Home Depot to get my water heater insulation, programmable thermostat, and compact fluorescent light bulbs. It took me about six months to take the time to install the thermostat and wrap my water heater. At least they are both done now! No more forgetting to turn down the thermostat at night in the winter. I don't use those light bulbs in the most used lights, rather I use them in the most left on lights—places where the light bulb will be on for a long time if left on because I don't frequent those rooms very often—the pantry, laundry room, garage, and the one walk-in closet. In the bedroom light fixtures that have three light bulbs, I use one CLF and two incandescent bulbs. That way I still get the look of incandescent light. For the other lights, I buzz around the house shutting off lights all the time now. I have turned into my mother! Since 12 months ago, our natural gas bill has gone down $42 USD/month, and our electricity bill has gone down $20 USD/month. And I have also finally purchased reusable grocery bags and produce bags. Slowly we're starting to remember to bring them from the car to the store for actual use." Modest Clothing Directory - Dara Becker

"The Green Path Company is a family owned-company and we all made a commitment to make some simple, inexpensive changes to our lives such as reducing junk mail and unsolicited catalogs, unplugging electronics to cut down on energy consumption, and conserving water through the installation of low-flow shower heads. Our website features a “Green Tips” page as well as a FREE packet outlining some easy changes to make around the house. The packet contains 10 tips you can incorporate into your daily or monthly routine that help us conserve energy and protect the environment. If you are interested in receiving this FREE information you can contact us at The Green Path Company and we will send the packet out to you!" Regionz Kidz - Lisa Smith