Sunday, January 02, 2011

Natural Calm Magnesium Supplement

For the past hour I've been sitting on the couch with my laptop while my daughter (8) paints my toenails. Now for her age, she is an expert pedicurest (did I just make that word up?) So in no way should it be taking her an hour to get this done. It is, er ...WAS bed time. Anyway, I've been sitting here MISERABLE with jitters. It just got worse by the minute, and all I could think about was making some Natural Calm as soon as possible to get rid of this horrible feeling.

I've noticed that when I get low in magnesium, I get jitters as well as heart palpitations or just a general panicky feeling. Other magnsium deficiency symptoms include:

twitches, cramps, muscle tension, muscle soreness, including back aches, neck pain, tension headaches and jaw joint (or TMJ) dysfunction. Also, one may experience chest tightness or a peculiar sensation that he can't take a deep breath. Sometimes a person may sigh a lot.
Symptoms involving impaired contraction of smooth muscles include constipation; urinary spasms; menstrual cramps; difficulty swallowing or a lump in the throat-especially provoked by eating sugar; photophobia, especially difficulty adjusting to oncoming bright headlights in the absence of eye disease; and loud noise sensitivity from stapedius muscle tension in the ear.
Continuing with the symptoms of magnesium deficiency, the central nervous system is markedly affected. Symptoms include insomnia, anxiety, hyperactivity and restlessness with constant movement, panic attacks, agoraphobia, and premenstrual irritability. Magnesium deficiency symptoms involving the peripheral nervous system include numbness, tingling, and other abnormal sensations, such as zips, zaps and vibratory sensations.

Symptoms or signs of the cardiovascular system include palpitations, heart arrhythmias, angina due to spasms of the coronary arteries, high blood pressure and mitral valve prolapse. Be aware that not all of the symptoms need to be present to presume magnesium deficiency; but, many of them often occur together. For example, people with mitral valve prolapse frequently have palpitations, anxiety, panic attacks and premenstrual symptoms. People with magnesium deficiency often seem to be "uptight." Other general symptoms include a salt craving, both carbohydrate craving and carbohydrate intolerance, especially of chocolate, and breast tenderness. (from )

If any of these symptoms sound like yourself, try some Natural Calm before heading to the doctor's office. Visit Natural Vitality - Natural Calm Rasp-Lemon, 16 oz powder
for more information and to read the numerous testimonies available. I've tried the orange and the raspberry lemon and both are pretty good. Also, I recommend making it as directed (with hot water like a tea) because you can use less of the powder that way. The hot water activates it and lets just say, less is more! LOL Also, start with a small amount and work up to 3 teaspoons. If you just jump right in with 3 tsp you WILL get diarrhea!

Aaaaaahhhhhh. As I was typing this, I had my son (9) fix some Natural Calm tea for me. I've been drinking it and it's already working! Yes, my kids are awesome...


T.M. said...

Hi! I just stumbled across your blog when searching for Natural Calm and panic attacks. I have some Natural Calm here at home and I experience the same as you - I get those nervous jittery feelings if I don't have the magnesium. Do you find that you get those nervous jitters/panicky feelings even if you miss a dose during the day? I'm just curious to find out if it's possible for the body to have those highs and lows so easily? I had my Natural Calm last night before bed, but this morning I'm back to nervous/jittery (even though there's nothing for me to be nervous about).

Thanks for writing this blog post! I'm glad to know I'm not alone!

Evie said...

Hi T.M.,
I do not take Natural Calm regularly unless I feel like I need it. If I am under a lot of stress, I will need more of it. I could imagine some people like yourself could require it everyday. Stress depletes your magnesium levels, and if your diet is lacking in it, then it's a good course of action to take it daily. I saw in your profile that you are in the field of "education." Are you a teacher? I was a teacher many years ago, then homeschooled my kids, and now work as a para in my children's school. If you work at a school you may need two doses of Natural Calm everyday! :)

maureen said...

Sitting down with a wireless laptop on your lap exposes your body to high levels of RF microwave radiation. The tingling sensations, irritability, heart palpitations, sleeplessness, headaches, etc. are all symptoms of electrosensitivity (ES). Natural Calm will help. However, so will reducing your EMF exposure.

ES is cumulative and will only get worse with continued exposure. Wire up!