Wednesday, May 03, 2023

Wrapping a Toxic Mattress

I've seen lots of articles recently that say, "Hey, mattresses are toxic, you should wrap your mattress in polyethylene sheeting to protect yourself!" And while this product has been on the market for about 15 years, they provide no link... probably because they won't make any money off of it, or maybe because they didn't know the product exists. Well... here ya go!

No-Chem Mattress Wrap

Mattress wrapping is for people who

  • are allergic to their new mattress
  • discover their new mattress has a strong smell, making them sick
  • realized a hand-me-down mattress that someone gave them was sprayed with Febreze, and ewww
  • want to deliver their baby at home and want to protect their mattress
  • want to co-sleep with their baby and heard mattresses off gas chemicals
  • are not sleeping well and wonder if their mattress is making them sick. 
Most people don't realize that mattresses never really stop off-gassing. The articles I read suggested you can let your new mattress off-gas for a few hours or days and you'll be good to go. Not so! Years ago when I trialed a mattress wrap, a horrible chemical smell came out of it when I cut it open. The smell was as strong as it had been when it was new, and it was at least five years old. So truth be told, the chemicals in mattresses will probably always be there, even when your nose no longer smells them. So if you are concerned for any health problems looming, or you just want to protect yourself "just in case," mattress wrapping is for you!

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