Saturday, June 10, 2023

Matt Rife - Laughter IS the Best Medicine

 If you've never heard of Matt Rife, you're living under a rock. He's a comedian and he's awesome. Check him out on YouTube or TikTok. I binged every special, clip, and interview he's done while I was taking care of my mom in her last few months. I don't know what I would have done without the laughter. I still watch him now, and it's been a month and a half since my mom passed away. It really is true... laughter is the best medicine. Matt Rife has a bit of a potty mouth, so forgive me if that's intolerable to you. I grew up hearing that language quite a bit, and while I don't use it now, it doesn't offend me when I'm getting a good laugh in return. A more family friendly comedian is Nate Bergatze, and I listened to him a lot, too! Gotta run... I need my Rife fix!

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